
Specifying program arguments, working directory, environment variables

Choose Execution|Arguments to open a dialog where you can set program arguments, the working directory for your program, and environment variables.

Tab Arguments

In the edit box enter the arguments that shall be passed on to your program. Insert file name lets you browse for a file; the file name will be inserted in the edit box (at the cursor position).

Next time the program is started, the new arguments will be used.

Tab Working Directory

In the edit box you can specify the working directory for your program. Browse lets you browse for a directory. Your program will use the new directory only when it is run the next time.

The working directory also applies to gdb itself! The directory that you specify will be passed to gdb immediately, i.e. gdb will work with the new setting as soon as you press OK. This can influence whether source code files are found.

Tab Environment

In the Environment tab you can set environment variables that the program sees in addition to those that it inherits. In the edit box type in an expression of the form VARIABLE=value to set the environment variable VARIABLE to the value value, and click Modify. To remove a variable, select it from the list below and click Delete. To change the value, edit the value in the edit field and click Modify. If you change the name of the variable and click Modify, you add a new variable! The new environment variables will be used by your program the next time it is run.

Tab xsldbg Settings

This tab is only available when a XSLT script is debugged. Here you can specify various flags that influence the XSL translation and XSLDBG.